What inspires you?

I've been a little stressed lately because I have a ton of projects that I want to do, but still haven't gotten around to doing so..Things like continuing on with my Kaname x OC fanfic on Wattpad have had to be postponed because I can't think of anything XD I need some inspiration for certain things but right now the main thing I want inspiration for is definitely writing song lyrics, My dream is to become someone who produces their own music whether it be a solo career or with a group, either way I want to try my best to use Music to change the world, I mainly got my inspiration for this from my favorite group BTS, they're music really made me think about how these are important topics that they are addressing in their music and people don't sing about those topics enough, so I definitely want to do something to produce music about those important topics more. But my main problem, is really all I can come up with is songs about Love and yeah Love can be an importan...