My New 'Obsession' & How I got Into it

So it's been quite a while since my last post on here, sorry about that...I've been *very* focused on my newest obsession, things like watching videos about it, posting about it and just over all being an obsessed little Alien XD So what is it that has caught my attention and is my new Obsession? Recently I got into the A.R.M.Y fandom which is for the amazingly stunning & incredibly talented K-pop group BTS. Yes recently I got absolutely obsessed with BTS and I have two online friends to thank for that :3 So today's blog will be a post about me telling you how I got into BTS <3 It all started when I started being more active on my Vampire Knight Kaname Kuran fan account on Instagram. (It's @Lord_Kaname_Kuran_Sama_Senpai if you're interested in checking it out.) I had been interacting a little bit with two people who followed me and I followed both of them. Both known as @bts_luving_vampire & @yuki_kouran. So I had been interacting with them bec...